Ministry of Spiritual Development

This Ministry bears responsibility for assisting the individual member of the community in the process of heeding truth and right guidance. Respect, honor and obedience to the Authority of the Creator in all aspects of life are essential to peace, harmony, freedom, justice and equality. In the words of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan: “…Self-development is an absolutely essential component of this microcosm of the new world.
It is not enough that we grow horizontally through the acquisition of farms, factories, banks, industry, trade, commerce, money, good homes…horizontal growth alone is death. All dead things are on a horizontal level. Therefore, we must grow vertically: grow in uprightness, or we will be overcome by our horizontal growth.”
The foundation of this ministry are study and training units, “…designed on the Guidance of Allah(God) to produce: self-examination; self-analysis; self-correction and to quicken in each of us, the self-accusing Spirit. For it is only when we are awakened morally that we have to face the self-accusing spirit that leads to our resurrection.” (see, Letter of Introduction : Self-Improvement: the Basis for Community Development, December 12, 1986.)
We look forward to serving you as we invite you to join your Nation of Islam! It’s time to rebuild and to make our neighborhoods into safe and decent places to live.
e-mail questions to: [email protected]